Tuesday, February 8, 2011

HIV and AIDS is it real? Sounds silly but this a question a lot of people are asking

HIV and Aids have always seemed to be such gloomy topics, so I'm going to research this and gather a bunch of information on the testing, diagnosis, the lack of information, and the drug AZT (Used to treat HIV and AIDS)..so here it goes:

Professor of microbiology, Peter Duesberg Ph.d, of California University insists, via theory, that HIV is not, in fact, a virus itself. It is a composit virus made of 30 very old viruses that we have been fighting for decades.  Basically a single retrovirus labeled as "AIDS".

-Common sense would tell you that if our bodies fight all other forms of retroviruses with little or no trouble...why all of this fuss? Why exactly have we let the governments and Pharmaceutical companies define our treatment on a virus (HIV and AIDS) that we have YET to this day see under a microscope. THATS RIGHT FRIENDS..No hospital, no doctor, and no one has ever seen the actual HIV and AIDS virus. The mini animated clip of a virus attaching itself to otherwise healthy cells is just a theoretical idea of what it would look like. No one explains that to us though. We are told HIV and AIDS are..and when/if we get it, we most certainly take the medicines manufactured for this ailment...but WHY? Have we gotten so comfortable and trusting with money driven hierarchies that we don't even do research for the sake of our own health anymore? Yet, we would never believe a thing a stranger said even if it were extremely interesting and had the information to back it up.

If you look up "AZT label" on google (AZT is a drug used to treat HIV and AIDS) You will be amazed to find out the horrifying LONG list of deadly side effects that comes along with this "life saving" drug (that WILL kill you, 100% you will not survive if you take this drug). It lowers immune system function dramatically. So I ask, Why would we be giving a drug to sick immuno-suppressed people that actually lowers the immune system more? Thats right, If you guessed that there is a hefty price tag involved... YOU WIN. BILLIONS of dollars are spent each year on treating, diagnosing, and preventing HIV and AIDS. Again, I would like to know how we can diagnose/prevent what we have never seen not to even mention TREAT IT EFFECTIVELY. Yet we continue to accept the fact that those very billions of dollars could help many families in much more proven ways i.e eating, rent, unemployment, paying our country's deficit...just to name a few. There have been many documented cases on the internet of people being diagnosed with HIV, it moving into AIDS, never taking ANY medications from pharmaceutical companies, and this day, are absolutely alive, healthy, and test negative for HIV and AIDS now.

Everyone either remembers, or remembers someone talking about the panic that the news said "The "deadly" HIV and AIDS viruses were now in the united states" (1984). Scaring people has a very beneficial and profitable angle to pharmaceutical companies. Medications and vaccines, when pushed in a time of panic, are not administered in a very lawful way. They are administered as a conflict of interest and the interest is NOT you and I, it's how much money we can spend on medications we don't need. Most doctors do not relay most of the negative aspects, only the positives when prescribing almost all medications in my personal experience. I'm not saying everyone needs to always be worried and become a paranoid hermit about medicine and doctors. I am simply saying that Doctors are people too and aren't incapable of making mistakes or cutting corners (i.e not reading the articles and chemistry behind many drugs on the market today).

"I have known so many people who have died of AIDS ... and all of them - all of them - took the drugs they were told to by their doctors. I have never taken any of them and I haven't gotten sick. Not even a cold. The doctors told me I had 5 years left to live .. these drug companies that produce the medication .. are getting very rich .. everyone I know who has been HIV positive - and that’s a lot of people - has died after taking those drugs." Goldie Glitters - 30 years "living with the virus"

Robert Gallo was the mastermind behind the HIV/AIDS lie. Start doing research on how we have absolutely NO proof that HIV leads to AIDS, NO proof that either one would ever hurt/harm you, and that this King AIDS zarr indicates many times that there are many successful medications on the market for this ailment.

Hmmm...with no proof of existence, no proof that HIV/AIDS will kill you if you don't use AZT (HIV/AIDS drug)  yet factually finding that the side effects listed on the actual website for this medication completely, and entirely indicate that you will be significantly sicker and live a much shorter life taking this medicine...How is it possible that all of this is allowed to go on?

Lets add into the fact that there is absolutely no way to accurately test for HIV/AIDS. It even states that right on the box that the HIV test comes in at the doctors office (which we, of course, never get to see). It is the ELISA test by Abbott Laboratories and they state:

"Regarding the only type of HIV antibody test routinely used in the UK since 1992, called an ELISA, manufacturers, Abbott Laboratories, say : “ELISA testing alone cannot be used to diagnose AIDS".

Alright, so we can't accurately diagnose it? of course I need to wonder how we can spend 12 billion dollars a year on research and treatment of something that we can't even diagnose. Hmmm...I would say, again, something isn't sounding very honest about our pharmaceutical companies. I don't know about you, but when it involves my health, I have enough self respect to want nothing but the best for myself...and honesty is a basic requirement.

"It's not even probable, let alone scientifically proven, that HIV causes AIDS. If there is evidence ... there should be scientific documents which. … demonstrate that fact ... There are no such documents” (Dr Kary Mullis Nobel Laureate)

The conclusion here is, be proactive in your own well being (Do your research, get YOURSELF healthy, and don't be lazy and believe everything you hear just because you don't want to take the two hours it would take to realize/research that doctors do what they're told, not all of what they're told is based on fact or correct/valid information, and they are told to push certain medications by the pharmaceutical companies.. There are litterally hundreds of thousands of people who cure themselves naturally, and prevent harmful damage to their bodies from synthetic toxins. We don't hear enough about these success stories because no one wants to tell you the cheap, healthy, and effective way to treat YOURSELF. We are all honestly too busy allowing ourselves to be fed panic intended lies to promote people to buy medications that they not only don't need, but are killing them in a very slow manner (causing more illnesses would create a need for more medications to be prescribed, get the picture yet? It's all documented in a factual manner if you will just care about yourself enough to look it up on google.

You can find more information on how our government likes to cause irrational panic (and then prescribe more medications to stop it) at:

Everybody's positive on youtube.com

Former AIDS patient speaks out on TV(subtitled but worth the time)

Good luck in your long journey to opening your eyes and researching  the REAL world out there. Not the easy one, not the dream one, but the real one. God Bless.

"Electron microscopy reveals retrovirus-like particles in 90% of enlarged lymph nodes from AIDS patients but the identical particles can be found in 90% of enlarged lymph nodes from patients who do not have AIDS and are not at risk from developing AIDS. If the particles seen ... in AIDS patients are, as the AIDS experts assure, HIV, what are the particles seen in patients.who are not at risk ... ?" (Dr Valendar Turner, Australian Broadcasting program 1994)